Monday, December 7, 2009

Driveway Installation

The driveway has been excavated and installation of materials has begun. Twelve inches of VDOT #57 stone and clean masonry sand have been compacted in lifts. This material will allow storm water to easily penetrate the ground and then slowly infiltrate into the soil and recharge the aquifer below. On top of this base we are installing a plastic ring system that will allow us to grow grass on the driveway. The rings keep the plant roots from being crushed and thus the driveway remains attractive as the grass does not die from being driven on. These methods of constructing a driveway keep storm water on site which reduces pollution of the Chesapeake Bay and reduces flooding of Norfolk's streets.

1 comment:

  1. Please post more. I drive by this house daily and want to see what's new. thanks!
